
The poppies are all grown knee deep by now

July 26, 2011

I'm wearing: handmade top, skirt and headband; thifted roller skates; old black converse

I’ve been working on this dress that is not a dress for a few days now, it's inspired by poppies that grey in massive wild fields around where I live. The top is a corset style top made with cotton under a layer of red lace. The skirt is chiffon layered over dress lining. I made the pieces separate so that I could wear them apart as well as together, I sometimes wish I could take the top or skirt of a dress and wear it alone so problem solved! The headband is flowers made from left over cotton.

I also wore my new roller skates, I got them at a charity shop that I visited on the weekend, I bought a typewriter for £5 and the skates were free with it! Also, they were red and matched this outfit so well, I just had to wear them. After the shoot I rode them down the biggest hill around, on a lovely smooth path, what fun!

Let me know what you think of the new format for posting photos. Too big? Too crowded?
Also posted here

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  1. So gorgeous! Did you make the pattern up yourself? I really love the idea of wearing the top and bottom separately, you don't even notice it's not a dress at the first glance.
    I totally adore the pictures, I don't think they are too big or too crowded. Very well done! :)

  2. Jenny: Thanks! The top is from a pattern for a bubble dress from Burda Easy, I didn't like the skirt and the instructions were all in German so I winged it.

  3. Clever! I've got the issue of the magazine with the bubble dress and I actually remember thinking that the 'lining pattern' could be altered into something like a corsage.
    I am German and often, I don't even get the instructions and have to wing it, haha. :)

  4. Your dress is amazing! I love the pattern of the top and layered skirt.

    Also roller skates, genius addition to this outfit, so cute!


  5. Cool! How creative and talented you must be to create those skates and the outfit you are wearing! You look beautiful and I love the quality of the photographs you have.
    Btw, found you throught Thurs are for Thrifters link-up!

  6. That dress is gorgeous and I love the rollerskates. The photos are beautiful too. Thanks so much for linking up!

  7. You talent lady! Gorgeous dress and headband. I like the format of the pictures. It looks beautiful.


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